BIP Wealth has continued our sponsorship of the North Georgia Cycling Association Club (NGCA) for 2022. The NGCA is the premier cycling club in the southeastern U.S., and we are proud to have our logo appear on the back of the new jerseys in a more prominent position. Our clients who ride are likely familiar with the NGCA already. The distinctive black and red kits are a common sight on group rides, and at races, all over Georgia and beyond.

If you are already a member of NGCA, and would like to discuss how BIP Wealth can help you to plan for your financial future, please contact us. BIP Wealth offers comprehensive financial planning and sophisticated investing strategies.
We offer access to both public and private market strategies for families with more than $1 million to invest. You can call Personal Wealth Advisor J.P. Scott at 678-942-6015, or email him at for a complimentary analysis of your individual financial circumstances and ambitions. We are Engineered to Perform!
If you become a client we will even pay for your 2022 club membership! Almost everybody knows how to ride a bicycle, but some of us “ride,” if you know what we mean. This free membership is designed for our clients who ride regularly, and expect to participate in some of the well-known charity rides and group cycling events in the region. That usually means at least a few thousand miles per year, though some of our clients are probably riding closer to ten thousand miles per year. Some of our clients race as well, and while membership in the club won’t put you on the NGCA racing team, it does mean that you can race in the NGCA kit and connect with NGCA racers at events to work with the team.
If you are a client who rides, and you’re interested in joining NGCA, then please contact your Personal Wealth Advisor to talk about your free membership and what is included. You can read all about the NGCA at their website North Georgia Cycling Association and on their various social media platforms including their Facebook page NGCA Cycling.
You can become a club member with BIP Wealth covering the full $125 cost, including service fees. Shortly thereafter you will be able to use your membership at the club store to select your free kit, and even add to your closet with lots of other merchandise if you choose. The deadline for ordering a new kit for the upcoming racing season is May 9th.
The cycling community can be a very supportive part of an active lifestyle. BIP Wealth encourages its clients to ride safely at all times so that cycling can be a healthy outdoor (and sometimes indoor) activity. Several of our employees ride, including Eric Cramer, our Chief Investment Officer. Feel free to reach out to him on Strava if you aren’t already linked up.